Monday, March 9, 2009

Animals in Grama and Papa's Backyard

There are many animals in my grandparent's Arizona backyard. There are so many you can't avoid seeing them. Most of the time all you see are birds, but even the birds are interesting. I have already seen three blue jays today! And yesterday John and I saw a cool reddish-brown bird on the roof. Another animal you can see is the coyote. Every morning after breakfast, we put out leftover meat for the coyotes. This morning only one coyote came. He was really funny because he would pick up more meat than he could hold in his mouth, drop some of it on the ground, and try to pick it up again. That's why we named him Gus-gus after the food-greedy mouse in Cinderella. You can see Gus-gus in the picture above. Another animal we saw today was a deer. Two deer to be exact. They just came into the backyard and started to eat the greenery. They were really fun to watch because one kept coming closer to the house and the other stayed way back. While everyone else was watching the deer, I saw a little tiny chipmunk scramble up a tree. Lucy only saw it while it was in the shadows and said it was a frog, but I know it was a chipmunk because it had the cool black and white stripy thing down its back. These are just a few of the animals you can see in Arizona, there are a lot more out there. There are many more types of birds and there are definitly rabbits and snakes out there, but if you want to truly enjoy watching the Arizonan nature, you have to come to Arizona for yourself! You won't regret it!